Kevin Thompson Broker/Owner

(406) 860-2308

I absolutely LOVE what I do! I have been blessed with an amazing job. I love that I get to hang out with clients all day, find their dream home while learning all about their hopes and dreams for the future.

Practicing falconry in different areas of the country made Kevin aware of the decline of open spaces and lured him to Montana in 1997. He has been a falconer since he was 13 yrs old. Growing up in a military family allowed Kevin to see different parts of the country. He bought his first home when he was 19 yrs old. Working as a carpenter/cabinet maker gave him an appreciation for the work and thought that goes into homes. Kevin has been designing, building and selling homes for over 25 years. Kevin is committed to making a difference in how Billings is developed and thru Green Realty he hopes to make a positive impact that will be seen for years to come.